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Security Engineering Notes
31st July 2010

Here are are some rough notes I put together as part of revision for a uni course.

Security Engineering


Extra notes from Schinder 2nd Ed.


Choose two primes p and q and let n = pq. Choose e such that e and (p - 1)(q - 1) are relatively prime (ie. no common factor and both prime numbers). Let d be a solution of ed = 1 mod (p-1)(q-1). Public key $latex K = (e,n)$, private key $latex K^{-1} = (d,n)$.

$latex E_K(M) = M^e \mod n$

$latex D(M) = E_{K^-1}(M) = M^d \mod n$

Access Control


You want your elections to be,

(additional notes, but don't really need to know for exam)

Security Architecture

Security Design Principles:

Defence in depth - use many layers of security (or many security perimeters in layers)

Human Factors

Some strategies for reducing the risk,


Risk is not something I would have thought to be in a security course, but now that I think about it there are few if any bullet proof systems, so there is always some risk.

Whether it be secure communication (there is always some risk that an eavesdropper cracks your cryto and reads the message, so its important to weigh up those risks to decide if its worth sending the message in the first place), or be it running a web server (you cannot be sure that your web server doesn't have bugs, or even if you have verified the code to be matching the vulnerability free specification other things can happen like, has your CPU been verified to be bug free, are you sure that a cosmic ray won't flip a bit and subsequently create a vulnerability). So weighing up the risks involved is important to decide how much time and effort you devote to securing a system, or how the system is designed to work.

Business Risk Concepts

Degree of Risk

       <-- Probability -->
High Exposure/  |  High Exposure/         /\
Low Probability |  High Probability       ||
-----------------------------------    Exposure
Low Exposure/   |  Low Exposure/          ||
Low Probability |  High Probability       \/

Exposure - how widespread is the system? Probability - how easy is it to exploit the system, and how great is the incentive to do so (which relates to how valuable the assets you are protecting are)?

Risk management

Tags: computing.